My Family

One Family for one family

I have a community to count on!

Sustainable !

Continous support.

I have a community to count on!

Beyond Financial Support

Family to family ties.

I have a community to count on!

The Project?

We Are In A Mission To Create Family Ties

WHO declared COVID-19 disease as a public health emergency in late January 2020 and characterize it as a pandemic in March 2020. So far, more than 4 million people have been infected and about 280,000 died globally. The health system is now in unprecedented burden with acute shortage of supplies, hospital beds and human resource. Apart from the devastating health consequences, the overall socio-economic and humanitarian disasters are shocking. The world economy might fall into depression. In poor countries like Ethiopia, governments alone will not be able to shoulder the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

In response to the government’s call for solidarity, Bedr Foundation launched “My Family” project aimed at providing socio-economic for the poorest households that will probably face food insecurity due to COVID-19. My family Project will create a platform where vulnerable families are connected with families/individuals who will provide them monthly economic support for six months.


Total # of Families Tied till Now


Remaining Families to be tied


Target Families


Registered Companies

Meet Our Heroes

Our Top Heroes

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Silashi Galata

Total Family: 8 Donation: 48000 Br
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Total Family: 2 Donation: 12000 Br
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Chala Bedhasa

Total Family: 1 Donation: 12000 Br

Lets Change Mama Ethiopia With Humanity

Become A Donor

You Can Help The Poor With Us

The infants, children and women in every household may die of starvation and abuse. All efforts will be needed to prevent and address this dilemma.

Top Donor Company

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Betopia Properties

Total Family: 400 (One-time)
Donation: 800,000 Br
4 years ago
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Awash Bank

Total Family: 250 (One-time)
Donation: 500,000 Br
4 years ago
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Fam water

Total Family: 20 (six-month)
Donation: 240,000 Br
4 years ago
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Total Family: 25 (Six-month)
Donation: 300,000 Br
4 years ago